Bianco Carrara Marble

White - Marble

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Item Details

Quarry Location: Provincia di Massa Carrara, Toscana

Water Absorption: 0.10 %

Density: 2710 kg/m3

Flexural Strength: 15.05 - 21.78 MPa

Compressive Strength: 125.0 -127.0 MPa

Recommended Usage: exterior - interior wall and floor applications, countertops, building ornaments, mosaic, fountains, pool and wall capping

Finishing Surface: Polished, Bush Hammered, Tumbled, Brushed, Honed, Split, Machine Cut, Natural Surface, Sandblasted, Acid Washing, Combed, Leathered, Water Jet, Filled, Chiseled, Pickling

Additional Names: Bianca Carrara Marble, Bianco Carrera Marble, Bianco di Carrara Marble, Blanc de Carrare, Blanco Carrara Marble, Branco Carrara, Carrara Bianca, White Carrara Marble, White Carrera, Carrara White Marble, in China stone market:卡拉拉白(Kǎlā lā bái), Bianco Carrara Marble


Bianco Carrara Marble is a renowned type of marble that is highly regarded for its timeless beauty and elegance. It is named after the region of Carrara in Tuscany, Italy, which is famous for its marble quarries and has been a source of marble for centuries.

Bianco Carrara Marble is characterized by its predominantly white or light gray background color. It often features intricate veining patterns in various shades of gray, ranging from subtle to more pronounced. These veins can be thin and delicate or bold and dramatic, giving the stone a sense of movement and depth.

The quality and appearance of Bianco Carrara Marble can vary depending on the specific quarry and block from which it is sourced. It is classified into different grades based on factors such as color consistency, veining intensity, and overall clarity.

As a natural stone, Bianco Carrara Marble offers a unique and individualistic look, with no two slabs being exactly alike. This inherent variation adds to its appeal and ensures that each installation is distinctive.

Bianco Carrara Marble has been a popular choice for centuries in various applications, including countertops, flooring, wall cladding, and decorative accents. Its classic and refined appearance makes it suitable for both traditional and contemporary designs. It is often used in upscale residential and commercial projects, adding a touch of luxury and sophistication to spaces.

While Bianco Carrara Marble is known for its beauty, it is important to note that marble is a softer and more porous stone compared to granite or quartz. It requires regular sealing to protect it from staining and etching caused by spills or acidic substances. Proper maintenance and care, including gentle cleaning with non-abrasive products, are essential for preserving its pristine condition over time.

In summary, Bianco Carrara Marble is a highly regarded and sought-after marble variety known for its white or light gray background with distinctive gray veining. Its elegance, versatility, and association with Italian craftsmanship have made it a popular choice in luxury architectural and design projects around the world.
Petrographic definition: marble
Mass of Unit Volume: 2710 Kg/m3
Water absorption: 0.10%
Compression breaking load simple: 127 MPa
Breaking load simple compression after freezing: 125 MPa
Tangent: elastic modulus 62,400 MPa
Indirect tensile strength through Bending: 19.8 MPa
Relative Abrasion coefficient (referring to s. Fedelino granite): 0.63
Impact resistance: minimum fall height: 75 cm
Linear thermal expansion coefficient: 5 x 10-3.7 0 c-1
Knoop microhardness: 1285 MPa
Divergences of hardness index: 1.26
Data source provider: University of Pisa-Politecnico di Torino

Can you put a hot pan on Bianco Carrara Marble?
It is generally not recommended to put a hot pan directly on Bianco Carrara Marble or any other natural stone surface. Marble is a delicate material and can be sensitive to extreme temperature changes. Placing a hot pan directly on marble can potentially cause thermal shock, which can lead to cracking, discoloration, or damage to the surface. To protect the marble surface, it is advisable to use trivets or heat-resistant mats to place hot cookware on. These can provide a buffer between the hot pan and the marble, preventing direct contact and minimizing the risk of damage. Additionally, it is always a good idea to follow the care and maintenance guidelines provided by the manufacturer or supplier of the marble to ensure its longevity and beauty.
Is Italy's Bianco Carrara Marble an expensive stone?
I do not have access to the current market prices of Bianco Carrara Marble. However, in general, Bianco Carrara Marble is considered one of the more affordable types of marble due to its availability and consistent white color. The price of any marble depends on various factors such as the quality, rarity, thickness, and source. Therefore, its best to compare the prices of multiple suppliers to determine the cost of Bianco Carrara Marble.
Are there color variations of Italy's Bianco Carrara Marble?
Yes, there are color variations of Italys Bianco Carrara Marble. The variations occur due to different levels of mineral impurities and veining patterns within the marble. Some examples of these variations include Bianco Carrara C, Bianco Carrara CD, Bianco Carrara Venato, and Bianco Carrara Gioia. These variations can range from pure white to gray, with veins ranging from light to dark gray or even blue.
What grade is Italy's Bianco Carrara Marble?
Bianco Carrara Marble is not officially assigned a grade as it is a type of marble originating from the Carrara region of Italy. However, different varieties of the marble can vary in quality and appearance. Some common classifications in terms of quality are categorized as Statuario, Statuario Venato, Calacatta, and Arabescato, with Statuario being considered the highest grade.
How thick is Italy's Bianco Carrara Marble slabs?
The thickness of Bianco Carrara Marble slabs can vary depending on the specific supplier and customer preferences. However, the most common thickness options for Bianco Carrara Marble slabs are typically 2 centimeters (3/4 inch) or 3 centimeters (1 1/4 inch). These thicknesses are commonly used in construction and design applications for countertops, flooring, and wall cladding.
What is the average water absorption of Italy's Bianco Carrara Marble?
The average water absorption of Bianco Carrara Marble from Italy is typically around 0.18%.
What is the difference between Bianco Carrara Marble and Calacatta Arni?
Bianco Carrara Marble and Calacatta Arni are both types of marble, but there are some notable differences between them. 1. Origin: Bianco Carrara Marble is quarried in the Carrara region of Italy, specifically from the Apuan Alps. On the other hand, Calacatta Arni is also from Italy, but it is quarried in the Calacatta region. 2. Color and Veining: Bianco Carrara Marble is generally characterized by its light gray or white background with subtle and thin gray veining. The veining in Bianco Carrara tends to be more linear and fine. In contrast, Calacatta Arni marble has a brighter white background with thicker and more prominent gray or gold veining. The veining in Calacatta Arni is usually larger and more pronounced, creating a more dramatic and luxurious appearance. 3. Rarity and Price: Calacatta Arni Marble is considered more rare and expensive compared to Bianco Carrara Marble. The scarcity of Calacatta Arni, coupled with its distinct and high-quality veining, contributes to its higher price point in the market. 4. Applications: Both Bianco Carrara Marble and Calacatta Arni are widely used in various interior and exterior applications. However, due to its more subtle veining and lighter color, Bianco Carrara Marble is often used in more traditional and classic designs. Calacatta Arni Marble, with its bold veining and brighter white background, is commonly used in more modern and contemporary designs where a striking visual impact is desired. In summary, the key differences between Bianco Carrara Marble and Calacatta Arni lie in their origin, color and veining patterns, rarity, price, and suitability for different design styles.
What is the coefficient of friction of Chiseled Italy's Bianco Carrara Marble tiles?
The coefficient of friction of Chiseled Italys Bianco Carrara Marble tiles may vary depending on the specific texture and finish applied to the surface of the tiles. The coefficient of friction is a measurement that indicates the amount of resistance between two surfaces in contact with each other. It provides information about how slippery or grippy a surface is. To determine the coefficient of friction for a specific marble tile product, it is best to refer to the manufacturers technical data or consult the product specifications and information provided by Chiseled Italy. They may provide the coefficient of friction for their specific Bianco Carrara Marble tiles.
Are there different quality levels of Bianco Carrara Marble?
Yes, there are different quality levels of Bianco Carrara marble. The quality of the marble can vary based on factors such as color, veining patterns, and overall appearance. Higher quality Bianco Carrara marble typically has a more uniform color with less variation and fewer flaws or imperfections. It may have a whiter background color with more pronounced veining. Lower quality marble may have more color variation, less defined veining, and more visible flaws. The quality levels can also affect the price of the marble.
Can Italy's Bianco Carrara Marble be used in a living room?
Yes, Bianco Carrara Marble can be used in a living room. It is a popular choice for countertops, fireplace surrounds, and accent walls. It has a white background with light grey veining, which adds a classic and elegant feel to any space. However, it is important to note that marble is a soft and porous stone that can easily scratch or stain, so it requires proper maintenance and care to keep it looking its best.
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Project Show

  • 2023 Bianco Carrara Marble for Hotel Design Marble Sculpture
    2023 Bianco Carrara Marble for Hotel Design Marble Sculpture