River White Granite

White - Granite

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Item Details

Quarry Location: Vizag, Andhra Pradesh

Recommended Usage: countertops, monuments, mosaic, exterior - interior wall and floor applications, fountains, pool and wall capping, stairs, window sills

Finishing Surface: Polished, Bush Hammered, Tumbled, Brushed, Honed, Split, Machine Cut, Natural Surface, Sandblasted, Acid Washing, Combed, Leathered, Water Jet, Filled, Chiseled, Pickling

Additional Names: Valley White Granite, River Valley White Granite, White River Granite, Thunder White Granite, New River White Granite, River White Granite


River White granite has low variations in its white and gray veining with small deep burgundy flecks. River white is a durable granite that is recommended for interior and exterior projects and is available in both tiles and slabs.

River White Granite is a popular natural stone known for its striking white background with veins and patterns in shades of grey and sometimes red or burgundy. It is a granite variety that originates from quarries in India.

River White Granite features a predominantly white or off-white base with varying intensities of grey veining that can appear in different patterns, such as flowing waves or random speckles. The veining adds depth and visual interest to the stone, creating a dynamic and eye-catching appearance.

This granite variety is highly sought after for its versatile and elegant aesthetic. It is commonly used in a wide range of interior and exterior applications, including countertops, flooring, wall cladding, and even decorative accents. Its neutral color palette allows it to blend well with different design styles, from traditional to modern.

River White Granite is known for its durability, strength, and resistance to staining, making it a practical choice for high-traffic areas. It is a popular option for both residential and commercial projects, as it can provide a clean and sophisticated look to various spaces.

It's important to note that the characteristics and appearance of River White Granite can vary slightly between different quarries and batches. It is advisable to consult with a reputable stone supplier or view actual samples to assess the specific qualities and variations of this granite before making a selection for your project.

What grade is India's River White Granite?
I do not have the capability to provide an objective grading system for Indias River White Granite. However, River White Granite is highly valued in the construction and building industry due to its durability, resistance to heat, and low maintenance requirements. It is often used in designs for countertops, flooring, and wall cladding.
Can India's River White Granite be used exterior applications in very sunny climates?
Yes, Indias River White Granite can be used in exterior applications in very sunny climates. This granite is highly durable, resistant to weathering, and has a low water absorption rate, making it an ideal choice for outdoor projects. However, it is recommended to regularly clean and maintain the granite to preserve its natural beauty and integrity.
How thick is India's River White Granite slabs?
I dont have access to the current thickness of Indias River White Granite slabs. However, in general, the thickness of granite slabs can vary from 2 cm to 3 cm or more depending on the customers preferences and the intended use of the granite.
Can India's River White Granite be used indoors?
Yes, Indias River White Granite can be used indoors for flooring, kitchen countertops, bathroom vanity tops, and backsplashes. Its polished finish, durability, and resistance to heat, scratches, and stains make it a popular choice for interior design projects.
Does River White Granite stain?
River White Granite is known for its durability and resistance to staining. However, like any natural stone, it is not completely stain-proof. It is generally recommended to promptly clean up spills, especially those from acidic liquids such as wine, coffee, or citrus juices, to minimize the risk of staining. Additionally, it is advisable to seal the granite regularly to enhance its stain resistance.
How can tea and coffee stains on River White Granite surfaces be cleaned?
To clean tea and coffee stains on River White Granite surfaces, follow these steps: 1. Quickly blot any spilled liquid with a paper towel or a clean cloth to soak up as much as possible before it seeps into the granite. 2. Mix a few drops of mild dish soap with warm water in a bucket or sink. 3. Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the soapy water solution and gently scrub the stained area. Avoid using abrasive scrub pads or brushes that could scratch the granites surface. 4. Rinse the cloth or sponge with clean water and remove any soapy residue from the granite surface. 5. Dry the area thoroughly with a clean cloth or paper towel. 6. If the stain persists, create a paste by mixing baking soda with water to form a thick consistency. 7. Gently apply the baking soda paste to the stained area and let it sit for a few minutes, allowing it to absorb the stain. 8. Use a soft cloth or sponge to scrub the stained area in a circular motion, being cautious not to scrub too hard and damage the granite. 9. Rinse the paste off with clean water and dry the surface thoroughly. 10. If the stain still remains, you can try using a granite-specific stain remover or a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia, following the product instructions for application. Remember to always test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the granite first to ensure it does not cause any damage or discoloration.
What should be the minimum thickness for River White Granite kitchen countertops?
The minimum thickness for River White Granite kitchen countertops is typically 2 centimeters (3/4 inch) or 3 centimeters (1 1/4 inch). However, it is important to consult with a professional countertop installer or supplier to determine the appropriate thickness based on the specific needs of your kitchen and the overall design aesthetic.
From which country's quarries is River White Granite extracted?
River White Granite is primarily extracted from quarries in India. It is a popular natural stone known for its white background with gray and burgundy veins.
Can India's River White Granite be used in wall coverings?
Yes, Indias River White Granite can definitely be used for wall coverings. Granite is a popular choice for various applications, including walls, due to its durability, strength, and aesthetic appeal. River White Granite, specifically, is known for its light grey to white background with swirling patterns of gray and burgundy veins, which can add a touch of elegance to any interior or exterior wall.
For River White Granite kitchen tops, should a honed or polished surface be preferred?
The choice between a honed or polished surface for River White Granite kitchen tops ultimately depends on personal preference and the desired aesthetic for the kitchen. Here are some factors to consider when choosing between the two options: 1. Appearance: - Polished: A polished surface will have a glossy and reflective finish, enhancing the natural color and patterns of the granite. It provides a more classic and formal look. - Honed: A honed surface has a matte or satin finish with a smoother texture. It gives a more subdued and rustic appearance, highlighting the stones natural characteristics without the shiny reflection. 2. Durability and Maintenance: - Polished: A polished surface is more resistant to staining and easier to clean due to its smooth and non-porous texture. However, it may be more susceptible to scratches and etching from acidic substances. - Honed: A honed surface may require more maintenance and sealing compared to a polished one. It is also more prone to showing stains and watermarks, but it can better hide minor scratches or etching. 3. Overall Kitchen Style: - Polished: Suitable for a more sleek and modern kitchen design where a shiny and vibrant countertop can create a statement or focal point. - Honed: Ideal for a kitchen with a rustic, country, or farmhouse style, as the honed finish tends to complement a more natural and aged look. It is recommended to view samples or visit showrooms to see the actual appearance of both finishes on River White Granite and choose the one that best aligns with your personal style and kitchen design.
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